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PEMJ aims at worldwide pediatricians, emergency physicians, and other health care providers or researchers who care for ill or injured infants, children or adolescents, or are interested in pediatric emergency medicine. Readers of the journal can obtain academic or updated information for relevant practice or research. In addition, the readership can be expanded to clinicians, researchers or policymakers who would like to access recent information or trends on pediatric emergency medicine.

There are no specific contribution requirements, but the content should be in accord with the scope of the journal. The journal scope embraces both basic and clinical research of pediatric emergency medicine. In detail, we publish articles regarding abuse-and-assault, adolescents, allergy-immunology-and-rheumatology, behavioral-and-psychiatric, cardiovascular, critical care-and-resuscitation, dentistry, dermatology, editing-writing-and-publishing, endocrinology-and-metabolism, environmental injury, epidemiology, ethics, foreign body, gastroenterology-hepatology-and-nutrition, genetics, gynecology, hemato-oncology, head injury, imaging, infection, laboratory medicine, informatics, musculoskeletal-and-orthopedics, neonatology, nephrology-and-urology, neurology-and-neurosurgery, nursing, otolaryngology-and-ophthalmology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, procedure, rehabilitation-and-sports medicine, respiratory, sedation-and-analgesia, surgery, toxicology, trauma, and miscellaneous. We may publish articles on studies performed outside emergency departments if the articles state a pediatric emergency medicine perspective.

PEMJ publishes original articles, reviews, editorials, case reports, brief communications, correspondences, and special contributions.

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17 Days

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16 Days

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56 Days

*Last 12 months

Korean Pediatric Society
Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
Korean Society of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
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Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Chungmu-building office 213, 197, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 04557, Korea
TEL: +82-2-3674-7888   FAX: +82-2-3674-7889   E-mail: editor@pemj.org
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